Therapy for Veterans & Military Service Members

Veterans and military service members may struggle with many of the emotional, cognitive, and behavioral health concerns that our civilian clients face. Things like depression and anxiety are especially common. However, there are some conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), chronic stress, and substance use disorders that occur in higher numbers for veterans and military service members. At Ubuntu Psychological Services, we are here to support you with therapy services from professionals who understand your situation and have the knowledge and experience to support you as you heal and work to achieve a greater level of stability and satisfaction in daily life.

Reasons Veterans & Military Service Members Seek Therapy

Many veterans visit our office. Most of them are dealing with challenges common among people from any career field. Things like depression, anxiety, chronic stress, and relationship troubles just to name a few. Our therapists are happy to support veterans and military service members who are going through these experiences, and we have the training and expertise to provide effective support. Some of the most common reasons veterans and military service members seek therapy include:

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – following traumatic experiences either during their military service or as part of their civilian lives, service members may develop PTSD. Symptoms of this severe form of trauma response include reliving the traumatic event, avoiding people, places, or even thoughts related to the event, being hypervigilant, and feeling trapped in negative thought patterns.

Sexual assault –sexual trauma, harassment, abuse, and assault are unfortunately common among servicemembers (both male and female). In many cases, service members fear reprisal if they report their abuse. Others report their sexual abuse, but they feel betrayed by their military community. This leaves them struggling with feelings of depression, isolation, and anger.

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) – military service is one of the most common places that people experience TBI. These brain injuries can impact the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional health and wellbeing and lead to changes in personality.

Substance use disorders – the use of alcohol and drugs to numb or alleviate emotional distress is common among service members. Therapy is an important resource to support addiction recovery.

How Therapy Helps

Many veterans and service men and women experience negative emotional, cognitive, or behavioral effects that relate to their time in service, but relatively few reach out to a therapist for support. Some are concerned about the stigma related to mental health diagnoses, or they just don’t think therapy will help them. We understand how you feel. Our therapists have experience working with veterans and service members who are struggling with the same life stuff that we all face as well as those who have had traumatic or damaging experiences as part of their military service. We will work with you to fully understand the challenges you’re facing and develop strategies and skills to cope with difficult emotions, regulate mood, break negative thought cycles, and lead a healthier and more satisfying life. We know you’re strong, but even the strongest people shouldn’t have to go through tough times on their own. Our therapists here to offer you support and guidance through any challenges life throws your way.

Schedule a Session

When you’re ready to get started with therapy, don’t hesitate to reach out. Your first visit with a member of the Ubuntu Psychological Services team will be a short discovery phone call that gives you an opportunity to get to know us a little better and ask any questions you have. From there, we can schedule your first full session.